Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mini Road Trip - Woodstock, NY

Shaggy, originally uploaded by jzaindustries.

We had been trying to plan a short snowboarding trip for a few weeks but when we finally got around to it most of the hills had just closed for the season. We decided to do a mini road trip anyway and someone suggested we check out Woodstock in upstate NY.

So 5 of us left straight after work on Sunday evening and after about a 2.5 hour drive we arrived at Twin Gables B&B (http://twingableswoodstockny.com) around 10.30pm. It was a pretty chillaxed occasion with not much going on but eating drinking and sleeping... perfect!

This guy came up to us and started preaching about the effects of Himalayan rock salt and how we should go straight to aisle 5 in the local supermarket and pick up a box right away.

We were convinced but by the time were in aisle 5 we were all like... "What the hell are we buying this stuff for again?!?".