Thursday, July 29, 2010

BOSFCPUG Philip Bloom DSLR Workshop

A few weekends ago I went to Boston on the bus for a 1 day workshop with Philip Bloom, the master of the time lapse and shooting video with (Canon) DSLRs. It was at Rule Camera and hosted by the Boston Final Cut Pro User Group or BOSFCPUG.

See the complete Flickr set from BOSFCPUG

He went over...

* Differences in the cameras
* Lens selection: When to use the right lens for your shots
* Choosing the right accessories for your DSLR
* Lighting for DSLR filmmaking
* Recording proper sound for DSLR filmmaking
* Timelapse recording with your DSLR
* Production workflow techniques
* Philip's post editing best practices using Final Cut Pro, Adobe Creative Suite 5 and Avid

Recommended Lenses for the Canon HDSLR Cameras

Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Lens