Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Knicks v Boston - Game 3, 2010/11 Playoffs at MSG

4 of us bought tickets to the Knicks game 3 last Friday night. We paid $260 each on Stub Hub and we're right up in the nose bleed section. After 2 close loses in Boston in games 1 & 2 we figured they had a good chance of getting a win in game 3 at home at MSG... this was not the case. They played terrible (mostly defensively) and ended up getting some pretty nasty jeers & booing from the crowd in the 4th quarter.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Biggest Tripod Ever!

I was walking from Grand Central the other day when I saw these guys shooting a 360 degree panorama with a Canon 5D on a cherry picker. I'd love to see the actual footage but unfortunately the PA I asked had no idea what they were using it for.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth

We scored some free tickets for Charlie Sheen's 'My Violent Torpedo of Truth' show last Friday night at Radio City Music Hall. I was pretty curious to see what this guy could do on stage to keep a live audience entertained and I had also always wanted to check out Radio City (which is amazing by the way). I will admit that the (rather brief) one hour show was indeed entertaining however Charlie was only directly responsible for about 50%... The other 50% came from the heckling, booing and general audience participation... If you can call it that. The signs at the entrances stated that anyone that heckled would be tossed out of the show and although we did see a couple of people get booted early on, I don't think they had the manpower to keep up with the onslaught from the crowd. I'm fairly certain that he was high or drunk or both and smoked cigarettes on stage for most of the show as he struggled to recall the details of many of his largely pointless anecdotes. All in all it was interesting and at points quite funny but I'm really glad I didn't fork out $120 for a ticket.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mini Road Trip - Woodstock, NY

Shaggy, originally uploaded by jzaindustries.

We had been trying to plan a short snowboarding trip for a few weeks but when we finally got around to it most of the hills had just closed for the season. We decided to do a mini road trip anyway and someone suggested we check out Woodstock in upstate NY.

So 5 of us left straight after work on Sunday evening and after about a 2.5 hour drive we arrived at Twin Gables B&B (http://twingableswoodstockny.com) around 10.30pm. It was a pretty chillaxed occasion with not much going on but eating drinking and sleeping... perfect!

This guy came up to us and started preaching about the effects of Himalayan rock salt and how we should go straight to aisle 5 in the local supermarket and pick up a box right away.

We were convinced but by the time were in aisle 5 we were all like... "What the hell are we buying this stuff for again?!?".