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We stopped just across the border for some good ol' American/Mexican food and the waiter suggested we stay at Silver Lake which was on the way to Mt. Baker. We drove there in about 1/2 an hr. and decided it was going to be way too cold and the tent was going to be way to small so we booked a cabin that was right on the lake which was pretty cheap and perfect for the night's accommodation!

We then drove the 3 miles into Maple Falls to get some other supplies. Unfortunately they didn't have towels so there was no showers for us for about 36 hrs.
There was an open fire in a gazebo on the lawn just near the cabin and we had some beers, toasted some marshmallows and listened to some tunes for a couple of hours. When it started getting really cold we moved the party inside and played some 'Kings' with the miniature pack of cards we picked up at the convenience store.

The next day we got up (reasonably) early and had breakfast at a little bakery in Maple Falls. We then drove about 30 miles up to the top of Mt. Baker. It was a perfect day and the views were amazing! We will definitely have to get back there this winter for some boarding.

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