We scored some free tickets for Charlie Sheen's 'My Violent Torpedo of Truth' show last Friday night at Radio City Music Hall. I was pretty curious to see what this guy could do on stage to keep a live audience entertained and I had also always wanted to check out Radio City (which is amazing by the way). I will admit that the (rather brief) one hour show was indeed entertaining however Charlie was only directly responsible for about 50%... The other 50% came from the heckling, booing and general audience participation... If you can call it that. The signs at the entrances stated that anyone that heckled would be tossed out of the show and although we did see a couple of people get booted early on, I don't think they had the manpower to keep up with the onslaught from the crowd. I'm fairly certain that he was high or drunk or both and smoked cigarettes on stage for most of the show as he struggled to recall the details of many of his largely pointless anecdotes. All in all it was interesting and at points quite funny but I'm really glad I didn't fork out $120 for a ticket.