We saw Mos Def live at Vogue Theatre in Vancouver last Thursday night. I hadn't been there before but its a great venue where everyone has a great view of the stage and is reasonably close. He didn't disappoint... but I think the show he did in Melbourne with DJ Shadow a couple of years ago was a bit better. The thing that made this show for me was the fact that I managed to walk onto the stage via the backstage door after the show and meet the man himself. Unfortunately he wouldn't take a photo but he did sign my kicks.
Being a Monday afternoon there wasn't the usual line up for the buffet on board the ferry and after a rave review from the Brent I decided to go for an early dinner/late lunch. It was $19 all in and pretty good value. I had chicken, pork, spinach and feta pasta, prawns, salmon, a decent salad, drinks and desert... and a great view of the Gulf Islands from my window table. For anyone interested, here is a great blog dedicated entirely to the art of the buffet. Official BC Ferries site - Buffet
Mike and I drove up to Whistler yesterday for some downhill biking at the park and to check out Crankworx... these guys are amazing! We caught some of the Garbanzo Downhill but unfortunately we were strapped for time and concentrating on our own riding most of the day so I didn't get many good pics of the pro's.
Tuesday night we went bowling at Grandview Lanes on Commercial Drive with the Slappas crew (normally Tuesday is reserved for beach volleyball) then had dinner at good ol' Charlatan. On the way home we stopped in at the SR Auto Group workshop/showroom to take a pic of an Audi R8 that was in the front window. As we stoood there drooling we noticed one of the guys still working away inside gesturing for us to come around to the back entrance. So we got back in the car and drove around. He invited us in to check out a fully stocked showroom of about 9 modified prestige sports cars. I asked if I could take a seat in the Lamborghini Murcielago and after a slight hesitation he agreed. Unfortunately I only had the iPhone to take pics but you can get an idea of the radness!!!
I only had to walk about 3 blocks on Sunday to see the conclusion of the 2009 Pride Parade. There were some 'interesting' costumes and I got a few really good pics but I still think Sydney leaves this one for dead... sorry Davie St crew... too corporate!
Rock the Bells Vancouver 2009 was frikin' awesome! Held at Deer Lake park (great venue) in Burnaby, this was some of the best live hip hop I have witnessed. Only bad thing/s I would have to say is that when the event starts at 12pm, don't wait 'til 3 to open the beer tent! We waited the whole Slum Village set to get our first beers... FAIL! Oh and cabs after the even would be good so we didn't have to hitch hike with 2 Japanese guys in their right-hand-drive Hilux! Other than that the music was rad! Highlights... Common, Chali 2na, Nas (of course) and Talib... R.I.P. Baatin.