Friday morning rendezvous was 8am at Denny's West Broadway. Five cars and 10 people. After a hearty breakfast we hit the road for Kelowna. About four hours later we arrived in Kelowna and did our food & booze shopping for the weekend. I stayed on with Jon's car so I could scoop Malini from the airport at 6.30 and the others drove on to Big White to check in to our chalet, 'White Wolf A'. After a minor delay by Air Canada we arrived at the chalet around 8pm in time for some snacks beers and a hot tub.

Saturday morning Malini, Nat and Jon hooked up a monster breakfast and then we all hit the slopes. The snow could have been better but the sun was out, visibility was perfect, we had saved $20 with our Costco lift passes and there were no lines for the lifts so we had no reason to complain. At lunch I had a rad meat pie from the bakery... best I've had in Canada (out of the 3) actually. We finished up around 4pm and attempted to 'ski-in' to the chalet but took a couple of wrong turns and had to walk the last 100m or so down the road. We then hit the tub and after Mike and I cooked up a BBQ. We hit Sam's pub for an hour or so later on but got the last shuttle back at 10.30pm cause we didn't want to walk in the -20C night.

Sunday morning it was Ken an Tara's turn to hook up the breakfast. Another outstanding effort! We hit the slopes again and I had 2 massive stacks on my first run... think i was still waking up! This time I managed to down 2 pies at lunch and we didn't finish til 4pm again. Two massive days! I called Jon to see if he could pick us up after we dropped Malini's rental skis back and he informed us that Mike had a big spill and dislocated his elbow.... ouch! So we went to the medical centre to see how he was doing and were 'lucky' enough to witness the doc popping his elbow back into the socket (i think thats the correct technical terminology). About 1.5 hrs later we took Malini to Kelowna airport and Mike to the Kelowna hospital for an x-ray to see if there was any further damage... there wasn't luckily. We had the green and gold face paint and hair spray in for Australia Day and had a little party in the hospital carpark. Coldest and wierdest Australia day ever... "bloody memorable though!"
The next morning we packed up and hit the road for the long drive back to Vancouver.
Video courtesy of theradblog
My pics
Duncan's pics
Jon's pics
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